No ordinary ministry

Our mission is to be a Christian presence in every community. Read on to explore more of the wide range of opportunities to serve Jesus. If you believe you’re called to public ministry in the Church of England, talk to your vicar, chaplain, or diocese, and keep praying often as you discern your vocation.

God calls people to a wide range of ministries, lay and ordained, in our church and in our everyday lives. Youth and children’s ministers, evangelists, missionaries, Readers, pioneers, and community workers are generally lay ministers, though some may be ordained.

Some roles are the same across the whole church, like Readers, deacons and priests. There also some lay roles which vary by diocese, so have a look at your diocesan website to find out what’s local to you.
Young woman singing into microphone at service Zoli Szendi

You can contact your diocese here.

Whole life discipleship

There are many fruitful vocations outside of church structures

What is discipleship?

Being a vicar

Serving God by leading a church

What do vicars do?

Readers and Lay Ministers

Serving alongside clergy

What do Readers and Licensed lay Ministers do?

Distinctive deacons

Building bridges between church and society     

What do distinctive deacons do?


A Christian presence in a secular setting

What do chaplains do?


Planting fresh expressions of church

Who are Pioneers?

The religious life

Committing to a life of prayer and service in community           

What is the religious life? What do monks and nuns do?

Youth and children’s ministry

Allowing every child to encounter faith and Christ

What do youth and children’s ministers do?


Changing lives through evangelism

What do Evangelists do?

Missionary work

Sharing the gospel at home and abroad

What do missionaries do?

Ministers in secular employment

Taking the gospel into the workplace

What do ministers in secular employment do?

Churchwardens & parish officers

Serving in the local church

What do Churchwardens & parish officers do?

"Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?' And I said, 'Here am I. Send me!"

Isaiah 6:8