Church Commissioners for England secure approval for Dover affordable homes


The Church Commissioners for England and the applicants, Shepherdswell with Coldred Community Land Trust and English Rural Housing Association, have received approval for 13 new homes in Shepherdswell, Dover.

The new development for the English Rural Housing Association supports the Archbishops' Commission’s vision for more affordable homes and stronger communities, as outlined in the Archbishops’ Commission on Housing, Church and Community’s Coming Home report. 
The new homes will allow older generations to downsize into age-appropriate accommodation whilst also enabling younger, low-income families to access housing, helping to secure the future of the local primary school. 
The housing includes a mix of one- and two-bedroom apartments and two- and three-bedroom houses. Two- and three-bedroom bungalow homes are also proposed. English Rural Housing Association will take on responsibility for management of the affordable homes once they are completed.   
The development supports the Church of England’s vision for putting its land and resources to good use, as outlined in the Coming Home report released last year. This vision includes a strengthened focus on social and environmental outcomes and encouraging the deeper involvement of local parishes in meeting affordable housing needs.
Joanna Loxton, Head of Strategic Land Investment at Church Commissioners for England, said: 

“We’re extremely pleased to see the site get the go-ahead, and believe it will have a tremendous impact on Shepherdswell and its residents. We hope that the new development will be one of many that supports the Church’s Christian-inspired vision for new affordable housing, strengthening local communities in the process.” 
Alison Thompson, Deputy Development Director at English Rural Housing Association, said:
“With the Church Commissioners, we have a shared vision in building strong communities that bring people together. That’s why we have partnered with the Church Commissioners on several of our rural housing schemes over the years.
The under-supply of affordable rural homes is widely documented, and our recent research demonstrated the immense benefits of investing in affordable rural housing. Affordable rural developments provide a secure and safe place for local people to live, in the communities they serve and support. The new affordable homes at Shepherdswell will play an important role in safeguarding a vibrant, active and working village that includes a mixture of age groups and income earners.”