Stories and features

A selection of news and stories from churches across the country on how they are serving their communities.
  1. Rev Kate Bottley portrait

    “It might boost my ego, but no one becomes a vicar because they saw it on TV”


    COMMENT / Growing up I always wanted to be a newsreader or a diplomat. My primary school teacher, Miss Penrose, was convinced I’d be a nurse or a teacher and she got it right, in part - I was a teacher, secondary RE, for almost 10 years...

    4 min read
  2. over the shoulder shot of child reading bible

    What is the point of RE?


    COMMENT / A rounded and positive religious education should be available to all and is about understanding what it is to be human, says the Revd Nigel Genders, Chief Education Officer for the Church of England.

    4 min read
  3. Presence and Engagement logo

    Presence and Engagement - building positive relationships with other faith groups


    FEATURE / Kat Brealey, Presence & Engagement’s National Coordinator speaks on the programme’s work and its future projects.

    1 min read
  4. Bishop of Chelmsford Stephen Cottrell portrait

    Why the world needs a heart transplant


    FEATURE / The Bishop of Chelmsford, The Right Revered Stephen Cottrell talks about the latest findings from the annual British Social Attitudes survey show that more than half the UK population identifies as non-religious.

    1 min read
  5. screenshot of A Church Near You homepage

    The new A Church Near You


    FEATURE / Earlier this year the national Digital Communications team at Church House in London produced a report on how to get the most from the new A Church Near You. 

    3 min read
  6. Children smiling, adults blowing bubbles

    BBC follows Fresh Expressions – listen in


    FEATURE / This summer, St Albans Diocese was awarded a £1.75 million grant, as part of the Archbishops’ Council Strategic Development Funding stream.

    2 min read
  7. Male clergy member painting canvas inside church

    Art and Churches


    FEATURE / Listen more about a ChurchCare and arts initiative, Art and Christianity Enquiry and the long-standing tradition of art displays in church buildings

    1 min read
  8. A group of refugees with plastics bags standing by a bus

    Visit to Lampedusa


    FEATURE / Listen to an interview with Father Sean Gilbert, curate at Christ Church in St Leonards-on-Sea, who visited Lampedusa earlier this year to meet with migrants on the island.

    1 min read