Holy Week and Easter

Common Worship: Times and Seasons was published in 2006 in a format (and font size) that matched its purpose as a resource book designed for use in preparing acts of worship. This volume presents a part of that material (drawn principally from the Passiontide and Easter Liturgy sections of Times and Seasons) together with Holy Communion (Order One) in modern language, the Passion Gospels, music for the Easter Liturgy and music for the Eucharistic Prayers.

Some material from the Passiontide and Easter Liturgy sections of Times and Seasons has not been included: Resources for a Chrism Eucharist (because these resources are not intended for use in parishes) and the Dawn Service and an Outline Service of the Word for Easter Day (because these are outlines intended for use in the preparation of the services concerned).

In addition to the Passiontide and Easter Liturgy material, some other material from the Lent and Easter sections of Times and Seasons is included: a full order of service for a mid-morning Eucharist on Easter Day (drawing on material from the Easter Liturgy and the Easter seasonal material), the Way of the Cross and the Stations of the Resurrection.

The first part of the book contains material for the celebration of Holy Week in chronological order: the Liturgy of Palm Sunday, resources for the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of Holy Week, and the Liturgies of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. There then follow the texts of the Passion Gospels in both continuous and dramatic form, and the Way of the Cross.

Towards the centre of the book is the text of Holy Communion: Order One in contemporary language. Its placement is designed to enable the book to lie open easily on the holy table at a celebration of Holy Communion.

Then comes material for the Easter Liturgy (in both Patterns A and B), with Vigil Readings, Psalms and Prayers, and musical settings of the Exsultet and the Prayer over the Water. This is followed by resources for use at Easter, including an order for a mid-morning Eucharist on Easter Day and the Stations of the Resurrection.

The final section of the book provides musical settings (to the traditional tones) for Eucharistic Prayers A, B, C and E. There are also settings of a number of Short Prefaces and Extended Prefaces for use in Holy Week and at Easter.

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