Records of past meetings

A member voting at General Synod

There are a number of different documents that record what happens at a meeting of the General Synod. These include the Reports of Proceedings, Business Done and electronic voting results. Below you will find documents for meetings up to the end of the previous Quinquennium (ie July 2021). For all documents for the current Quinquennium (November 2021 onwards), please select the relevant page under Groups of Sessions information and scroll down to 'Other documents'.

If you are unable to find the document you are looking for, please contact us using the form at the bottom of the page.

Reports of Proceedings

The Reports of Proceedings are the written word-for-word record of a General Synod meeting. The Reports of Proceedings record what is said during debates, formal addresses and presentations and also include the results of each vote. A video and audio recording of each General Synod meeting since November 2015 is available on the Church of England's YouTube channel. For earlier audio recordings, please contact the Synod Office.

Business Done

The 'Business Done' documents are the formal summary of outcomes for each item at a single meeting of the General Synod.

Electronic Voting Results

Electronic Voting Results from past groups of sessions can be found on the relevant page under Groups of Sessions information dedicated to that particular meeting.

General Synod

The 'Parliament' of the Church of England. The General Synod usually meets twice a year to debate and discuss matters of interest and to consider and approve amendments to Church legislation.


A period of five years, used to describe the term that General Synod members sit for. Every five years members are elected and HRM The Queen officially opens General Synod for the new term.

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